Lavender Wishes is elegant, and classic. This floral arrangement gives off a feeling of understated grace and sophistication. It includes spray stock flowers, spray roses, wax flowers, and hyacinth. This delicate arrangement is perfectly pieced together in a clear, round glass vase including spray stock flowers, spray roses, wax flowers and hyacinth all tied together with a beautiful sheer ribbon. The stock flower symbolizes contentment and a happy life. The spray roses represent love, passion, and heart. The wax flowers express wealth in love and life. Hyacinth reflects sincerity and playfulness. These flowers come together to symbolize love that is happy, sincere, and playful. Lavender Wishes combines a variety if purples that bring grace and gentleness. This arrangement is a good gift idea when you want to show someone that you truly love them. It is also a good idea when you want to wish someone cheer and wealth in love and in all aspects of their life.